Monday, October 5, 2009

Growing Vegetable Soup!

Did you know that God was a gardener? Genesis 1:29 "Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." and Genesis 2:8-9 "Now the LORD God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. And the LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food."
Today in library Miss Shrader talked with the preschool students about how God planned the seeds to grow up to look just like their parents! Miss Shrader dressed up like she had been gardening, and showed the students her gardening tools. The class talked about all of the things that are needed for seeds to grow up to be fruits and vegetables. She read the story Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert, and then showed the children vegetables that were featured in the story. Afterwards, the students enjoyed smelling and feeling the different kinds of vegetables.